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- SYSOP.DOC ARES/Data V. 1.5 Sysop Information and Reference
- The ARES/Data software was written in Turbo Pascal 5.5 on an IBM PC by
- WN6I, W. E. Moerner, and N6KL, Dave Palmer. It may be run in either
- of two modes: (a) stand-alone with no TNC support and no remote access, or
- (b) by changing the configuration file, the program will control up to four
- ports (TNC's), each of which can have up to 10 simultaneous connections.
- If TNC support is chosen, the program requires that each port be either
- (a) a TNC with WA8DED firmware or (b) a Digital Radio Systems PC*PA
- Packet adapter card (because WA8DED's host mode is used for
- communication between the computer and the TNCs), OR a KISS-mode TNC
- with the G8BPQ 4.01 switch code running as a terminate and stay resident
- program in the computer. NOTE: NO REQUIREMENT IS PLACED ON THE OTHER
- except that they use AX.25 link-layer protocol! The ARES/Data program
- utilizes the Turbo Database Toolbox V. 4.0 for management and searching
- of its B-plus structured indexing tree.
- 1. These instructions are aimed at those who will be actually running
- the ARES/Data program, or for those interested in some of the
- operational detail. You need not read this file in order to effectively
- use the program as a remotely connected packet operator. These
- instructions are abbreviated, so be sure to read the ARES/Data
- documentation file USERMAN.DOC first for general background information
- and the commands available to the remote packet operator. You may also
- want to read about the ancestor of ARES/Data, the FINDER system, in the
- 6th ARRL Computer Networking Conference Proceedings. An article about
- ARES/Data V. 0.1 appeared in the 7th ARRL Computer Networking
- Conference Proceedings, and the revised text of this article is included
- with the documentation. In addition, the text of an article on ARES/Data
- Version 1.0 from the 8th ARRL Computer Networking Conference Proceedings
- is included on the distribution diskette. For applications of ARES/Data,
- see QST, December 1990, p. 75.
- 2. You need an IBM PC or compatible to run the program with at least
- two drives, one of which should be a hard disk or hard card, if
- possible. ARES/Data has been tested on a PC, XT, AT, PS/2 and a PC
- Convertible using DOS 3.21 and higher. (The program also appears to run
- fairly well on the PCjr.) In addition, if you want to allow remote
- packet radio access to the database, you need at least one serial port
- OR at least one Digital Radio Systems PC*PA packet adapter.
- 3. Assuming you want to allow remote access to the database with
- packet, you have three alternatives for the TNC configuration at the
- host database station where ARES/Data is running:
- ****A****: A TNC that operates in WA8DED host mode, then you must
- connect the TNC to the computer with a standard serial port, and you
- must load the terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) program MBBIOS.COM
- before running ARES/Data.
- WA8DED host mode is implemented for the TNC1, true TNC2 clones, and the
- PK-87/88 by using firmware (an EPROM) written by Ron Raikes, WA8DED.
- (Note - this is not referring to NET/ROM firmware, but rather to the
- user-mode TNC firmware written by WA8DED.) ARES/Data has been tested on
- several TNC-1's with WA8DED firmware Version 1.3 modified for 8
- simultaneous connects, on several TNC-2's with WA8DED firmware Version
- 2.5, on several PK-87's with WA8DED firmware (32K). If your usage is
- totally non-commercial, you can get the WA8DED public domain firmware
- yourself from many sources; see your local packet hacker, or it is
- available from the Tucson Amateur Packet Radio group--TAPR. For
- details, call TAPR at (602) 323-1710.
- Take a few minutes to learn the "DEDware" user mode command syntax - it
- is different from the TAPR syntax, but easy to learn. The WA8DED user
- mode documentation is included on the distribution diskette in the files
- Some hints: Remember that you are always in converse mode, and pressing
- "<esc>" puts you into command mode for one line at a time.
- "<esc>S 0<cr>" selects channel 0, the unproto channel,
- "<esc>I callsign<cr>" sets callsign (do this only from channel 0),
- "<esc>S 1<cr>" selects channel 1 to start a connection,
- "<esc>C callsign<cr>" causes a connect (requires channel > 0)
- "<esc>D<cr>" a disconnect, etc.
- ****B****: A Digital Radio Systems Inc. (DRSI) PC*PA packet adapter,
- then you will load the TSR program TNCTSR-S.EXE before running
- ARES/Data.
- DRSI boards automatically speak the WA8DED host mode. READ DRSI.DOC FOR
- ****C****:Any other kind of TNC (such as PK-232, KAM, etc.), then you
- must use a standard serial port to connect the computer to your TNC, and
- you must put your TNC into KISS (keep it simple, stupid) mode. You then
- must load the G8BPQ switch TSR code version 4.01 to make your KISS TNC a
- true packet switch. You must also load the TSR DEDHOSFE.COM to force
- the switch to talk to ARES/Data as if it were a WA8DED TNC, before
- 4. The ARES/Data program, a relative of the FINDER program, is in the
- public domain and is available for no-cost distribution from WN6I or
- N6KL by sending a blank, formatted 5 1/4" (360 kB) or 3 1/2" (720 kB)
- floppy with SASE for return to you. The program may be distributed
- freely, so long as the distribution is for no cost. Therefore, the cost
- to you is the cost of the diskette and return postage. We have included
- a configuration file facility so that you can tailor many parameters to
- your system. If you want small changes in the code, we will try to
- accommodate you, but we cannot make any guarantees.
- 5. ARES/Data database file usage:
- Main database files:
- ARESDATA.DAT the database itself - all records
- FIELD1.NDX index file for field1
- FIELD2.NDX index file for field2
- FIELD3.NDX index file for field3
- FIELD4.NDX index file for field4
- Backup files:
- ARESDATA.JRN journal file - a normal ASCII file containing
- a listing of all valid current information
- packets. May be edited, printed, or used as
- input to the ARES/Data program to recover a
- damaged or erased database.
- ARESDATA.BAK backup of the database
- FIELD1.BAK index file for field 1 backup
- FIELD2.BAK index file for field 2 backup
- FIELD3.BAK index file for field 3 backup
- FIELD4.BAK index file for field 4 backup
- 6. Before starting ARES/Data, be sure your hardware is set up correctly.
- Test the TNC and WA8DED firmware by using your own terminal emulator first.
- If you have a DRSI board, test it with the TNCX-S.EXE program that comes
- with it. If you are using a KISS TNC and the G8BPQ switch code, test
- the switch independently first.
- 7. Edit the configuration file ARESDATA.CFG to reflect your system
- configuration. As distributed, ARESDATA.CFG is set up for no packet
- support, so you must edit this file to tell the system what kind of TNC
- you are using. READ THE FILE CONFIG.DOC for details on ARESDATA.CFG!
- NOW.
- 8. Edit the startup file STARTUP.XXX you specified in ARESDATA.CFG to
- set your callsign. If you are using BPQ, the callsign is set separately
- by the switch configuration, and there is no need for a STARTUP.XXX
- file.
- FILES=20
- ARES/Data uses many disk files while running, so if an entry for FILES=
- doesn't exist, or is set lower than 20, the program may not run correctly.
- (Setting FILES= to a value higher than 20 typically has no effect).
- For better performance, you may also want to set BUFFERS=20 or some
- higher value. BUFFERS=20 is probably a good choice; use of a higher
- value will consume additional DOS memory without much greater
- performance gain. You may want to set a lower value for BUFFERS= if
- you are using some form of disk caching program.
- 10. To start ARES/Data: If you have selected automatic startup, be
- sure the drives have disks in them. If you have defined some TNC
- interfaces, be sure that the TNC(s) is(are) on. If you are using the
- BPQ switch code, start it first using STARTBPQ.BAT. Then start the
- execution of ARES/Data by typing "ARESDATA<CR>". This runs the batch
- file ARESDATA.BAT. Be sure to edit ARESDATA.BAT to load MBBIOS if you
- are using any serial ports for connection to TNCs. Also, be sure to
- edit this file to load TNCTSR-S if you have any DRSI boards.
- 11. The startup sequence is fairly self-explanatory. If you have not
- selected TNC support, all TNC-related functions are disabled. The sysop
- console is the only input/output port in the system.
- If you have defined some TNC interfaces and have selected automatic
- startup, no prompting will be done and after processing the .cfg file
- and opening the database files, the program will automatically enter
- host mode and begin polling the available channels for data. Note that
- sometimes the TNC and the computer will not synchronize immediately.
- Don't be alarmed at the messages scrolling across your screen regarding
- "TNC Recover" at initial startup time. If this occurs for more than 60
- sec., cycle the power on the TNC.
- If you have selected prompted startup, you will be prompted to put a
- diskette in the drive you have selected for the backup/journaling
- function. Then you are prompted to turn on the TNC. When TNC-computer
- synchronization is established, the run-time status screen is displayed
- and several TNC parameters are set. Don't be alarmed at the messages
- scrolling across your screen regarding "TNC Recover" at initial startup
- time. The program does not know the state of the TNC, and if the TNC
- does not respond to host mode commands, the program will eventually
- issue the appropriate "JHOST1" command. (TCP/IP users: If you have the
- TNC2 WA8DED+KISS Mode Combination EPROM, ARES/Data works fine with that,
- too. You need not enter the initial "H" command following power up).
- In all cases, if previous database files are found, they are opened. If
- none are found, new database files are created. NOTE: after each
- disaster, you should rename the database files to start with a fresh
- (empty) database. You can do this easily with the batch file ZAPDB.BAT
- that is provided with ARES/Data. ZAPDB.BAT takes one argument: a name
- identifying the event, i.e., you type "zapdb medex1<cr>". The batch
- file copies the database and index files to new files with the filenames
- "medex1.dat", "medex1.nd1", etc. and then erases the standard database
- and index files. Presto - the next time you start ARES/Data, new
- database and index files will be created.
- 11. The sysop keyboard can enter current information input and search
- requests like any connected channel, but don't try to type too fast if
- TNC polling is in progress. If you have problems with this, press F5 to
- stop polling for ten seconds so that you can enter your data. See the
- file USERMAN.DOC for a summary of the standard packet operator commands.
- 12. The sysop status screen (assuming at least one TNC interface or
- port is defined): The top half of the screen starts out showing the
- channel activity for the first interface defined (interface A). The
- lower half of the screen has at the very bottom an input line for sysop
- commands and above this an information window where recent commands and
- database functions are echoed. The interface that is showing at the top
- half of the screen is called the "default interface". You can change
- the displayed interface to any other interface that you have defined by
- pressing "<alt><F1>" for interface A, "<alt><F2>" for interface B,
- "<alt><F3>" for interface C, and "<alt><F4>" for interface 4. If you
- press one of these key sequences for an interface that is not defined,
- the status screen disappears. This is useful if you really want a
- larger sysop screen, for example. To get a status screen back for a
- particular interface, just press the <alt> key sequence for that
- interface.
- 13. The sysop can also send commands directly to the default interface
- by typing <ESC> and the one-letter command as is usual for the WA8DED
- user-mode firmware. Some commands (such as "d" for disconnect) can
- reference a specific channel: to set the channel for these commands,
- first type "<ESC>Sn<CR>", where n is the channel number. The currently
- selected channel is marked with a triangular arrow on the sysop screen.
- For example, to force a disconnect on channel 3, type "<ESC>S3 <CR>
- <ESC>d <CR>".
- 14. The sysop can send messages to connected channels for the default
- interface in several ways: (a) by typing "<ESC>n message<CR>" where n is
- the channel number, or (b) by using the "tell" command described in
- USERMAN.DOC. Note that the sysop can send a QST to all connected
- channels on all valid interfaces by typing "tell all msg"<CR> or "tell *
- msg"<CR>, where "msg" is the text to be sent.
- 15. Special SYSOP-only commands:
- deleteon enables use of delete command by connected
- stations for default interface
- deleteoff disables use of delete command by remote
- stations for the default interface. Note
- that the delete command is always enabled
- for the sysop.
- labels=label1,label2,label3,label4,msglabel
- sets labels for database fields 1-4 and
- msg field. Note that this command can
- be in ARESDATA.CFG to give a standard
- startup default label set.
- widths=wid1,wid2,wid3,wid4
- sets default printing widths for fields
- 1-4. Note that this command can also
- export filename sends complete database to filename
- specified with date and time attached to
- the beginning of each record. I.E.,
- Date,Time,Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Msg
- import filename reads filename specified in same format
- used by the export filename command
- and adds the data found to the current
- database, using the dates and times specified.
- Note that the input format for each record is:
- Date,Time,Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Msg
- If you don't have a meaningful date and time
- to attach to each record, use "importraw".
- rawimport filename reads filename specified in standard ARES/Data
- input format and adds the data found to the
- current database. Input format for each record
- is:
- Field1,Field2,Field3,Field4,Msg
- This command is useful is you have a large
- database available in advance that you want
- to read in and make available to remote
- stations. The date and time added to each
- record is the current date and time.
- logallon enable/disable logging of every packet
- logalloff entered to the sysop screen. If the printer
- is on, this causes logging of all
- transactions.
- 16. Special PF keys:
- F1 Immediate database backup: closes all files, copies
- current database files to the .BAK versions, and
- flushes the last few valid current information
- packets into the .JRN file. Note 1: if communication
- is lost on the computer to TNC wire link, a backup
- is performed automatically, and the program
- attempts to resynchronize with the TNC.
- Note 2: Backup can also occur automatically after
- a desired number of new database entries have been
- entered. This number is set by the "backup" parameter
- F2 Mode selector for the currently selected channel.
- Pressing the key cycles through three modes:
- Mode 0 - all packet operator functions enabled
- Mode 1 - "tell" and "users" only enabled
- Mode 2 - chat mode only, which looks like normal
- terminal operation.
- There is a fourth mode, mode 3 - degraded mode, which
- occurs automatically when disk full or near-disk-full
- conditions occur. For mode 3, the database becomes
- read-only, but the user/tell functions are still
- operable. The current mode for each channel is
- indicated on the sysop screen. Mode 0 has no character
- next to the channel number, mode 1 has a small square,
- mode 2 has an "x", and mode 3 has a slash ("/") next to
- the channel number. Upon startup, all channels are set
- to mode 0. Mode 2 is useful to prevent a "jammer" from
- tampering with the database, or for normal terminal-mode
- connection to another station or BBS. Mode 1 is useful
- for a round-table discussion only, without access to the
- database.
- <CTRL>F3 Shut down the program gracefully. If the program is
- subsequently restarted from DOS, it will pick up where
- it left off.
- F5 Suspend polling of channels. Use this if you
- experience missed characters during keyboard
- input. Polling automatically restarts in 10 seconds.
- F6 Redraw the sysop screen.
- F7 Send a full ASCII report of the database to file
- ARDAhhmm.RPT on drive A:, where "hhmm" is the
- current time. This includes summaries
- on all four fields plus a listing of every
- record.
- F8 Same as the F7 command, but sends the report to
- drive B:.
- F10 Toggle printer. All lines printed in the main part of
- the sysop screen will be echoed on the printer. NOTE:
- this can slow down the polling loop dramatically.
- If your printer runs out of paper or has an I/O
- error, the program will retry for about 30 seconds,
- then give up on the printer. Polling will continue,
- but no further output will be sent to the printer
- until you hit F10 again. NOTE FURTHER: turning
- the printer on is a nice way to catch responses
- that scroll off the sysop screen. When connected users
- use the "tell sysop" command, these messages go to
- the screen and, optionally, to the printer, if the
- printer is enabled with this F10 command.
- 17. To terminate execution, use the sequence <CTRL><F3>. <CTRL><BREAK>
- may be used to exit only during a tncrecover. At other times,
- <CTRL><BREAK> has no effect. <CTRL><F3> is best, because the program
- then properly closes all files.
- 18. If you have TNC errors, under certain conditions the program will
- execute a TNC reset and/or a TNC recovery procedure. When this occurs,
- the first thing that happens is a backup. The program should recover by
- itself. Be patient. As a last resort, you can try turning off the TNC
- and then turn it on again. Note that you will then lose all packets in
- the receive and transmit queues, however. If you are really paranoid
- and you are using an IBM PC, you can connect the cassette motor relay to
- the reset circuit on your TNC. The TNC reset procedure will close the
- relay if it appears that the TNC fails to respond. We haven't seemed to
- ever need this feature, though! If you still are having TNC errors, try
- lowering the baud rate or increasing the serial port retry count
- parameter.
- New for version 1.4 is recovery from the TNC Busy condition. With
- version 1.4, if the TNC responds "BUSY", ARES/Data will do the
- following: The database will be backed up, a message will print on the
- SYSOP screen that the TNC was busy, and the program will loop in this
- mode, resending the data that the TNC rejected, until the TNC accepts
- the data. In other words, polling is interrupted to allow the TNC
- buffer to empty. In this way, no data should be lost. This condition
- is usually caused by the program attempting to transmit too much data to
- users either because someone issued a GET command to download a large
- file, or because of a "list all" command, or other command that
- generated a large amount of output.
- Note that you can always terminate a long GET or a "l all" by asking the
- remote user to disconnect from ARES/Data. The only way the sysop can
- interrupt a long GET or a "l all" is to use <ctl>-C to kill the program.
- 19. Usually, most search requests will be satisfied by the portion of the
- index file that is in memory. However, if you have a very large database (over
- 2000 records), more and more disk accesses will be required for each search.
- If you think you would like to use a very large database, remember that it may
- be hard to fill it over 1200 baud packet radio! If you really expect to have
- an especially large database, you may want to contact us so that we can
- recompile the program with different database and index file parameters. For
- example, we can control the number of pages of the index file that are kept in
- memory, etc. and in so doing we can optimize the database performance for these
- special cases. Version 1.2 has been tested with 5000 records and will probably
- work fine for 10,000 records. If you need more than that, we can re-compile
- the program for you.
- 20. In case of difficulty: If data returned from the database does
- not make sense, or records appear to be missing that you thought were
- present, it may be that your database has become corrupted. This can
- occur if you do not have FILES=20 in your CONFIG.SYS (see Section 8,
- above) or if power to the computer was lost in the middle of an
- update, etc. If you were using a test database, move the database to
- new names using the ZAPDB batch file and start over:
- C:\DATA>zapdb junkdata
- ZAPDB copies your existing database, journal, and index files to new
- names, and erases the existing database files. Restarting ARES/Data
- will result in a clean slate. If the database contained useful
- information, then run ZAPDB as above, but then try to IMPORT the old
- journal file. If only some of the data was of value, you can edit the
- journal file with any DOS text editor. In the example above, the old
- journal file is now called "junkdata.jrn", and the SYSOP command to
- import it would be:
- import junkdata.jrn
- 21. Remember that ARES/Data is designed to be general and flexible.
- This means that little error checking is done on input packets.
- Garbage in, garbage out!
- 22. Good luck!
- 23. If good luck is insufficient, or if you have comments or
- suggestions, please contact either of us at
- W. E. Moerner, WN6I, 1003 Belder Drive, San Jose, CA 95120-3302 408-997-3195
- (WN6I @ K3MC, MOERNER@IBM.COM (internet))
- Dave Palmer, N6KL, 248 Omira Drive, San Jose CA 95123-3632 408-227-5236
- (N6KL @ K3MC, N6KL@IBM.COM (internet) or 73357,3157 (Compuserve))